Friday, June 22, 2012

How To Identify Good Fiber Providers

Anyone who uses the internet will always want to find good fiber providers so that he or she may rest assured of good services. However, although everyone wants this, there are people who end up contracting a company that is not even in a position to deliver what the clients want. So how does one know that a certain company is good?
You can tell if a company is able to deliver what you need by looking at the equipment that they use to do their work. The best providers are those who are always upgrading their tools and equipment with the aim of serving their clients better. Such people will have the latest equipment that can take care of the needs of all their clients.
If a particular company has not upgraded their equipment for too long, then it only means that they still depend on old technology to serve their clients. This is a clear sign of poor services. If you come across such a company, do not waste your time, just look for services somewhere else. There is no need to get into something when there is already a red light warning you not to do so.
Other than the equipment, it is wise to look at the quality of services that that particular company provides. You must understand that even if a company has the latest equipment but does no know how to use them to deliver good quality services, then that company cannot be useful.
Availability of the company at the time when you need them is also a key factor to consider. Sometimes, even when the equipment and the technology that is used by a company to deliver services is the best, technical issues arise and the services may be interrupted. It takes a good company to come in and fix the problem as fast as possible.
If there is a technical problem yet you cannot even reach the fiber providers, then you will be in trouble. This can be worse if your business depends entirely on an internet connection for everything. If it is not fixed as fast as it should, then you will incur loses. This will have a negative effect on the performance of the business.
Sometimes, it may be difficult especially if you have not known about the company for long, to make a fair judgment about he kind of services. In such a case, you need to use the opinions of someone else. For example, you can talk to some of the clients who have used that company before and see what they say about them. You then can use their opinions to come up with a fair judgment of that company.
Alternatively, if it is a well known company, then you most likely will find published reviews online. Read them and understand the experiences that other people have had with the fiber providers. It is important to know that the reviews are personal opinions and experiences of whoever publishes them. To come up with a clear understanding, you have to make your own judgment.

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High Speed Browsing With Fiber Internet Providers

Fiber internet providers are companies that offer internet connections that use fiber optic cables. The information is sent through pulsing light along the cable. Transfer of this data dates back to the 1970s though it was not available commercially until the 1990s.
This high speed has many advantages over telecommunication copper wires. There is much less interference and attenuation. One of the main problems is the fact that installing the infrastructure needed for the optic data systems is time consuming and expensive. With recent developments the price of installing this system has dropped considerably making it available for home use.
It is also preferred for long distance applications as it does not lose data and does not have any power issues. However traditional electrical transmission is still preferred for short distances as it is less expensive.
One of the main factors to investigate when choosing a provider is if a lot of hardware and wiring will need to be installed. This can be very expensive and it is advisable to check if providers offer discounts or free installation as this will save you on the installation cost. Many times, if the customer purchases an extended contract or bundled services, the installation costs are reduced if they are not removed.
This choice for web connections is perfect for those that want the fastest downloading and internet performance. It is possible to stream directly without having to deal with pauses and stops. This type of service also offers the fastest upload speeds currently available.
In many areas, the optical cable network is still being built and installed. Therefore, providers may only offer this option near large cities. Rural service may not be available. Even if you cannot get fiber optics where you live, you can find out when fiber optics are arriving.
If frequent maintenance is needed and problems arise often, then as a consumer, you might end up spending more trying to find out what went wrong to fix it. Read reviews on services and as a smart consumer, one should go about comparing prices and different options. Typically, providers that offer services throughout the country will be more reliable and less expensive than local or regional companies.
Another desirable feature of having this type of connection is the flexibility. These cables have been used for a long time for networking and the telecommunications industry. Fiber internet allows anyone to be able to browse the internet at a high speed, you do not need to worry about getting slow connections.
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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Getting to Be a Savvy Communicator

There is an expression that helps to explain why communication is such a difficult skill to master and that is that 'miscommunication is the norm.' It is extremely difficult to communicate clearly and well all of the time - in fact, it is extremely difficult to communicate clearly and well some of the time. The truth of this statement that 'miscommunication is the norm' helps to understand why so many people struggle with communication and why it can seriously get in the way of creating effective relationships; both personal and professional.
For example, I am currently in the middle of a typical 'miscommunication.' A friend asked if I could post a very flattering comment on an event she created on the weekend. The person had given permission and even though I had a little tug of a thought to check with that person myself, I went ahead and posted it on Facebook. This person, who made the lovely comments, posted under my post saying that it was her - I hadn't credited her the words just that it was a 'happy attendee' - and further affirmed that it was indeed a great event. I relaxed at that point and felt the matter was closed. This is how communication can be very tricky.
This morning there was a very heated email from the same person who was surprised that her personal emails were on Facebook - that she had responded on email to my post and didn't know it was now all over Facebook and took exception to this whole affair. I very quickly responded and apologized and explained what I thought was the intent and purpose of this process.
A couple of things are worth pointing out here in the arena of how communication can be misunderstood and to the detriment of relationships. First of all, the best possible way to communicate with people is face to face. That way I can see the persons response to my words. Getting the direct visual feedback is the best way to resolve a possible misunderstanding by seeing first hand if that has happened. People will reveal a lot in their eyes and their body language that will tell you if they have received your words with understanding, happiness or anger. This makes it much easier to clarify and clean up any confusion.
The second best way to communicate is over the phone. At least here I have some verbal cues and can hear in a person's voice through their tone, pauses, or tempo what is going on for them. It is still not as effective as face to face but it does allow for some opportunity to clarify any confusion or miscommunication on the spot. The absolute worst place to communicate as far as creating misunderstandings and confusion is email. There is no way of understanding what the person is thinking or feeling and trust me, irony does not translate well in a written form. It takes enormous amounts of clarification and elaborate visual cues in the email to alter a message from just a very flat communication to something warmer or less brittle.
This also leads us to Facebook - one step removed from email and within the realm of miscommunication - it has to be the absolute lions den of confusion. Facebook is not a place to communicate anything other than information that you do not mind everybody in the entire universe knowing about. Add to this the awareness that everyone will assess, judge and then make assumptions about you based on your Facebook profile and musings. If you are clear about who you are and courageous enough to bear the brunt of some people's ire, then go for it. Just be aware that you will turn as many people off you as you turn on. This leads me to the next big issue with communication and misunderstandings and that is our tendency to make 'assumptions.' The old expression goes that when you assume - you make an 'ass of u and me.' While this may seem a bit of a silly acronym it is a useful reminder.
In the incident I described at the beginning of this article that was exactly what I did - I assumed it was ok without checking. I ignored my intuition that told me that I should check before posting anyone's words. Here's what happens when you make assumptions - and we all do make assumptions. In the absence of clear and accurate information we will fill in the blanks; in other words we will make stuff up and then - and this is the important bit - we forget that we made it up and then we act as if it's true. Hm - can you see how this might be a problem? Most of us live in the fantasy of our made up information. We create hostilities with people, we allow relationships to break down because we don't check out our assumptions - we assume we are right.
This is a natural human condition; we all assume we are right. It is often a shock to our system when we realize we are wrong. So what happens when we feel that horrible gut sense of being wrong; correct, we blame the person who has made us feel wrong and once again, make assumptions - make stuff up - to help us feel better and avoid that awful 'wrong' feeling. Learning to be an effective communicator takes a number of skills; the first and most important one is to embrace the idea that you may not have all the information. Adopt an attitude of curiosity and check out your assumptions. Be willing to be surprised that some of the stuff you made up may be incorrect.
Persevere to get the truth and to genuinely get to know another person. As a previous boss of mine was fond of saying, 'let the other person be another person.' Communication becomes a lot easier once you embrace how difficult it is. Accepting the idea that 'miscommunication is the norm' can help you relax and not get so upset when things go wrong.
Ellen Riches has worked in the area of professional and personal development for over twenty years. She established herself as a trainer/facilitator of women's workshops and relationship training in the late 80's and early 90's.
Her interest in personal development was initiated in 1984 with Context Associated and the Excellence Series. She went on to assist with and ultimately train to become a Pursuit of Excellence Facilitator. She lead the POE in many cities throughout British Columbia as well as Edmonton and Calgary, Alberta and Regina Saskatchewan. She also has the honour of leading the only POE held in the UK.
Her effectiveness as a process facilitator has been developed and enhanced by her involvement with RAC in the United States. As a qualified Facilitator of the RAC processes she brings her vast experience and commitment to 'moving people forward.'
Drawing on this experience and coupled with a degree in International Relations from the University of Toronto, Ellen is well poised to deal with any development issue that impacts an individual or organisation.
A keen interest in holistic health, gardening, yoga, reading and currently kayaking keeps her mentally, physically and emotionally fit and healthy. She is also a trained Reiki Master and practises this spiritual discipline on a daily basis.
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Telecommunications Carrier Billing Errors - Why Can't They Get It Right?

In such trying economic times, corporations are leaning on their telecommunication providers to generate an accurate accounting and bill of their monthly activity.
  • A troubling thought comes from research published by the Gartner Group in which they estimate that in the next 12 months, $13 Billion in over charges by carriers will be generated on corporate telecommunications bills.
  • Even more surprisingly, less than 2% of these errors will ever be identified or claimed.
Regardless of which service a company is utilizing, traditional voice or VoIP, these common telecommunications billing errors can occur in several areas. Isn't running a business hard enough? And now, for companies to keep what is theirs, it is necessary for companies to become a part-time auditor.
Interestingly, only an estimated 50% percent of companies audit their phone bills looking to reclaim their share of the $13 Billion in overcharges. One may ask themselves... Does my company have the resources, let alone the expertise to audit monthly telecommunications billing problems, and how is it possible that carriers can't create an error free bill? The answer is, they can, but there are many challenges for carriers to overcome. The good news is - there are good solutions out there for companies to get back what is theirs.
The primary reason telecommunication companies have such a difficult time billing accurately is the evolution of the industries technologies. When the industry transported calls over analog circuits the services were not complicated and therefore easy to bill.
The transformation to a digital world has been great for the corporate customer. Phone services have become feature rich and voice traffic can be carried over the same lines as data traffic. Once digital established its foot holds in telecom it also spawned many new technologies. In the very competitive world of telecommunications, carriers had to adopt these new technologies to maintain their competitive place in the industry. Simply put, the carriers billing platforms are not structured to adopt the intricacies of new services.
So, are feature rich services worth $13 Billion dollars and will these issues be resolved in the near future? Carriers still face the challenges of evolving their billing systems at the same aggressive pace that is necessary to stay competitive. The Carriers choices are either the "bandaid" approach or create a new billing platform from scratch. Both solutions are expensive and there are many opinions on the best migration path.
Companies can take advantage of the feature rich services digital provides without paying into the $13 Billion dollar pool of overcharges. There are service providers out there with proprietary billing systems that provide accurate, high quality and reliable billing for data and voice services. These companies have designed their billing systems for the continually evolving industry.
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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Mobility Management - Automation Is Key to Efficient Corporate Labor Performance

together in a debt laden pool. All alike are being sucked into the vortex of an ever expanding burdensome financial debt load. The newspapers scream about deficits, businesses are rocked with one fiscal blow after another, and fear of the dreaded double dip is the elephant in your executive's board room. The knowledgeable use of automation is a real key to efficiently managing, competing and generally surviving in such dangerous economic waters.
Thirty years ago I was visiting a third world country. Early one morning I was awaken with a horrendous shrill metal scraping metal noise. It was a train derailing next to the Hostel I was staying in. A few hours later I looked out the window and saw a mass of humanity struggling to right the train and repair the mess with human power, animal power, simple levers and ingenuity. I was amazed at the controlled chaos I was witnessing and asked my translator, why not bring in some lifts, tractors, cranes and help all these poor folks out doing this dangerous labor in the extreme heat? My translator matter of factly said, "We have a billion people in this country. We choose not to use such equipment so we can provide our people the work they need".
Simply speaking it was just their way. It wasn't efficient, it wasn't safe, and it wasn't really even cheaper in the long run. It explained a lot as to why this country at that time was not able to compete in an international economy. Currently it is transforming itself into a developing powerhouse. This same country is becoming an automated, efficient, dominating economic entity as it is lifting millions of its people out of poverty and servicing many of the worlds corporate powerhouses. Telecommunications automation is one of the keys to this economic renaissance.
Telecommunications An Enterprise TOP Spend Category
Telecom is often one of the top spend categories most companies require. Wireless spend has recently surpassed landline corporate costs in the Telecommunications subset. Automation of your enterprises Mobility/Wireless Expense Management is as fundamental to your organizations competitiveness as an advancing third world country employing both cheap labor and automation to give it the edge it needed to propel forward into the world economy.
Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
Aberdeen Group found the following Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) demonstrating why automating your enterprises Wireless Expense Management (WEM) efforts make a world of sense in a world of expense.
Best-in-class companies exhibited the following characteristics:
  • 45 percent average productivity increase for fixed invoice reconciliation, audit and disputes
  • 41 percent average productivity increase for fixed procurement and service order tracking
  • 42 percent average productivity increase for mobile invoice reconciliation, audit and disputes
  • 40 percent average productivity increase for mobile procurement and service order tracking
Additional Aberdeen Findings reported;
Execute on Wireless Expense Management to Drive ROI, showed that best-in-class companies accomplished a:
  • 31 percent decrease in the cost of monthly wireless voice services
  • 24 percent decrease in the cost of monthly wireless data services
  • 26 percent decrease in the cost of managing devices"
Automated Efficiency Saves Big Dollars on Corporate Telecom Spend
This important KPI data demonstrates that best-in-class companies lower telecom spend management as much as 40 percent. Extraordinary labor cost reduction will optimize a company's telecom management team's time and overall corporate spend. Such efficiency will free your human assets to focus on other critical areas of telecom infrastructure, delve into optimum capacity issues and evaluate additional expense management savings opportunities they have been too busy to investigate or uncover. Compounding your telecom team's optimization effectiveness while resulting in corporate savings will far surpass any costs incurred during the update while enhancing your ROI.
eProcurement and Help Desk Time/Cost Savings Generator
Another key efficiency generator is the Wireless Procurement and Help Desk modules of Wireless Expense Management. Employees will inevitably require new device activations and upgrades or at least Help Desk support on issues that arise. Combining the automated solution with a centralized data base useful for reporting and asset management, with a knowledgeable wireless support staff will allow your wireless end-users the opportunity to quickly communicate their issues, submit a ticket and get back to work. This wile your (or your outsource experts) wireless support team procures the devices or resolves the issues. This as your corporate personnel is diligently fulfilling their core responsibilities without needless distraction.
Optimal Team Performance
It is exceedingly important to integrate tested automated solutions with TEM/WEM Best Practices to give your management team the best possible chance for their team to perform optimally.
Whether your in-house team avails itself of the best TEM/WEM software available, you choose to outsource to those with the automated tools and the expertise to utilize it, or an intelligent blend of the two (we will call Smart-Sourcing); such knowledgeable use of automation may be as critical to your company's survival as it was critical for the country I visited so long ago reversing 1,000 years of decline while leaping into the 21st century.
Like my translator, your management team can undoubtedly explain many reasons why the status quo is the best your company can hope to achieve when it comes to telecom/wireless optimization. We've never did it like this before..., Such automation may be too costly..., we have no in-house expertise..., or even "We choose not to use such automation, so we can provide our people the work they need". However, if a third world country can turn it around and make such a leap forward with great benefit, your telecom management team can dynamically improve its efficiency realizing the terrific advantage automation coupled with industry best practices a Wireless/Telecom Expense Management solution can afford.
Let me know if I can help you determine how best your team can utilize a Telecom Expense Management or Mobility Cost Management solution.
Gary is the Business Development Manager for Integrity Communications. With a wealth of telecom marketing experience, Gary provides useful insights for those seeking help with various telecom cost reduction strategies as they work to improve their telecom teams efficiencies concerning their business' telecom environment.
Ask about Integrity's ALL REWARD/NO RISK telecom analysis at your earliest convenience!
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Effective Information Management Delivers Success to Your Organization

As we all witnessed the promising advancements in global technology which not only created a great impact on human life style, business psychology, culture, and environment etc but also exhibit a vital role to bind the distributed networks into a single centralized environment. I love to say that now we are living in a global technological arena connected through global tools, life is so fast and information flow is so high. At individual level, management is quite easy but how to quantify metrics when dealing with enterprise level.
Fundamentally, Information Management (IM) is the collection and organization of raw facts (data) from multiple sources and its distribution and dissemination to one or more audience. The most successful information management has been described as getting the right information to the right person in the right format at the right time. Many Organizations (public/Private) are investing to enhance Information Management best practices solutions. This is being driven by diverse factors like need to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of business processes, demands of compliance regulations and keen to deliver better solutions and services. To make a comprehensive Information management strategy, CIO's need to take care of various Critical Success Factors which require basic principles and best practices to plan implement and deploy.
In terms of technology, information management encompasses systems such as:
- Integration and collaboration tools
- Knowledge management
- Content management
- Document/Record management
- Single channel communication network
- Digitization
- Asset/identity/Accounts management
- Learning management Systems
In the context of Enterprise Information Management (EIM) which integrates Business intelligence and enterprise content management. In fact, the whole scenario revolves around system which incorporates people, processes, information architecture, metadata, quality content, technology and much more.
Challenges and trends
In real time environment, after the recent economical crunch, most organizations are facing enormous problems and tackling issues. The year 2009 was marked as phase shift in terms of challenges and trends, and 2010 is ahead to deal with that. To overcome the existing challenges and to look ahead on emerging ones, we canvassed IT industry for future trends...
Following are the most common IM issues:
- Segregation between integrated & collaborated tools and systems
- Mismatch or intermingle responsibilities for Information Management
- Lack of technical documentation
- Unclear strategic direction for the overall technology environment
- Confrontation with limited resources to deploy desire solutions
- Lack of information and effective usage issues
- Un paralleled and non comprehensive strategic alignment in context of business objectives
- Ineffective cloud computing
- Multiple channels for communications
- Asset protection issues in outsourced environment
- Change management issues
- Risk Mitigation
- Greening Information Management Systems
Few are listed above, more need to come up. For substantial compliance, IM policies, procedure should be well defined according to organizational objectives and strategically formatted to deploy solutions for end users.
What to do for rectification?
Effective IM strategic planning lead to the organizational success.
Strategic planning from an IM standpoint relates to the long-term direction an organization wants to take in leveraging IT for improving its business processes. Effective IM strategic planning involves a consideration of the organization's demand for Information management and Information technology supply capacity. Determining IM demands will involve a systematic consideration of the organization's strategic intentions, how these translate into specific objectives and business initiatives, and what IT capabilities will be needed to support these objectives and initiatives.
Keep sharp eye on Information security governance
During strategic planning phase, we need to make sure that proper Information security governance is taking place. Generally responsibility comes up over CEO and CIO's shoulder. For example; if their companies lack structured management policies and fraud or a breach of security occurs, they could be stand to face prosecution. If they won't then their companies could pay a hefty fine and damage to reputation as well. Information security governance should become a focused activity, with specific value drivers that include integrity of information, continuity of services and protection of information assets.
By living in the arena of global networking and extending the enterprise beyond its traditional boundaries, security is emerging as a significant governance issue. Hence, Information security should become an integral part of IT governance but keeping information and systems secure is an ongoing challenge. Threats and vulnerabilities keep changing and getting more sophisticated with respect to time. For special safeguard, we need to take severe measures to make the safe and secure. Internal and external controls need to implement according to geographical requirements.
Steering Committee needs to focus on following functions:
- Review the long and short term plans of the IM department to ensure that they are in accordance with the corporate objectives.
- Approve and monitor major acquisitions and the status of IM plans and budgets, establish priorities, approve standards and procedures and monitor overall IM performance
- Review and approve sourcing and strategies for select, or all, IM activities, including in-sourcing or outsourcing, and globalization or off-shoring of functions.
- Review adequacy of resources and allocation of resources in terms of time, personnel and equipment.
- Make decision regarding centralization vs. decentralization and assignment of responsibility
- Report to board of directors on IM/IS activities
Ensure concrete and concise policies and procedures
Policies and procedures reflect management guidance and direction in developing controls over information management systems and related resources. They represent corporate philosophy and the strategic thinking of senior management and business process owners. To be effective, it must be clear and concise. Periodic checks need to define; it should be adaptive in terms of new advents and significant changes in business processes in exploiting IT for efficiency and effectiveness in productivity and competitive gains.
By implementing comprehensive Information management practice, Organizations can grow, may create dynamic difference and will be focused and more aligned to their business objectives and goals. If it happens then steep growing curve will emerge.
This article has outlined essential features for Information Management and best practice during implementation. Main focus is to highlight the importance IM Implementation. I hope it will cover the intention and objective to keep hot eyes on Information Management during strategic planning and deployment in your organization.
Hina Naz is seasoned Technology/Telecom consultant, Communication specialist,Technical writer and Information trainer having diverse experience with telecom vendor and education. She is extremely focused to ensure results according to timelines and persuaded to strategically and cost effectively utilize technology in alignment with corporate goals. Her proven areas are technology strategic planning, integration and deployment, technical communication, program/Project management, implementing best practice methodologies and continuous improvement program.
Mentoring, Advise and counselling available for intended users.

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Dialing International Numbers

How To Dial International Numbers
Dialing International Numbers is straightforward when you know what to do. To begin, you have to get the international call prefix. This number or code enables you to dial outside of the country you might be calling from and is special to that country.
The Dialing Process
Whenever you hear a dial tone, you dial the country prefix code which is unique to the country you are dialing FROM.
The next code you want is the country code of the country you are calling. For some countries,this code changes if you are calling a mobile phone or a fixed phone. Some counties have distinct codes based on state,county or region. A country code may be anywhere from one to three digits.
Once you've got the prefix number as well as the country code, you then dial the area or city code. This too may be anywhere from one to three digits.
And finally, the last number you enter is the local number of the party you are calling.
Here is a step by step run by means of all the steps:
Step 1: Dial International Call Prefix
Step 2: Dial Country Code
Step 3: Dial City Code (area code)
Step 4: Dial Local Number
So let's say you might be attempting to call a local number in Bayonne,France, from Boston, MA.The US prefix is 011 when dialing from inside the USA. The country code for France is 33. The city code (or area code) for Paris is 01. This is all of the details we want. To make the call, we would dial:
(Prefix) 011 (Country code) 33 (Area Code) 05 (Local Number) 62 01 02 03
As you'll be able to see we dial the international call prefix 011, followed by the country code 33, then the area code 05, and then the local number 62 01 02 03. It is that straightforward.
Saving Money On International Calls
Once you know how to make an international call, is there a way of figuring out the way to make the cheapest call?
Making an international call may be really pricey unless you use the best calling card.
Some cards charge a lot more for some countries and lower rates to other countries. So you want to find a card that consistently has the lowest rates.
Make a point of looking at numerous offerings and for as low as $5 to $10 dollars you'll be able to take a look at and split test two or three. Some cards will give you a free promotional package to start with and test.
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Need To Trace A Phone Number To Get Name And Address Of The Owner? Here Is How To Do It Right!

I am always passionate by the mobile device; and even more excited when my phone alerts me of an incoming SMS or call. However, things could get out of hand if the sender or caller is unknown. I am probably not the only one who feels bad about receiving a call from someone who simply would not giver out his/her name; everybody feels the same way too. A few important things you could do to save the situation include the following; use a search engine to find the caller, hire a private detective, and trace a phone number on a reverse mobile number lookup website.
Besides the reverse mobile number lookup, every other method of finding cell phone callers cannot be guaranteed. The yellow pages for instance do not store these records; and neither can search engines be of much help. Mobile phone users are granted a lot of privileges, which include privacy and ability to identify a "caller ID". However, the "caller ID" only indicates the name of the caller if such information is already stored on your contact list.
I also mentioned hiring a private detective in the opening paragraph; but that is one option you might not be able to afford in terms of cost. The cost of hiring a private detective is not the only problem; you may also have to wait a couple of days or weeks for the report. Nevertheless, giving up is not the right thing to do; the reverse mobile number lookup is the most rationale step to take.
You can find out who owns a cell number right away by simply using a reverse lookup website. However, do not get too excited about this because there are websites that are just like the yellow pages; such websites do not always have records of cell phone users in their databases. They are also known as reverse lookup companies; but this time around, their services are free.
For complete and up-to-date profiles of every registered mobile phone user; only a premium lookup directory can be of help. You can query the search box by inserting the phone number of your friend or prank caller. After hitting the search button, the following information will be provided: family background record; first and last name; complete address; criminal background information; gender information; birth information; map; sex offender record; and many more.
You can find the link at the end of this article very useful if you want the latest in terms of how to choose a genuine lookup website.

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Monday, June 18, 2012

Group Messaging Services for Churches

You may have heard of emergency notification services that help family members stay in touch in the aftermath of a disaster. Those same group messaging services can be invaluable to churches as a way to disseminate information among members.
Some churches have tried various methods of getting information out. One option is to have the church secretary call everyone. At best, this is time consuming and, as the church grows larger, it becomes an impossible task for just one or two people to handle.
Another option that is popular in some churches is a "phone tree". This is where information is spread via a network of people who each agree to call a few members. However, if one of the people in the phone tree misses the call, then everyone who that person was supposed to call will also miss getting the information. This makes the phone tree method quite unreliable.
With a group messaging service, you can disseminate the information to every member of your church with ONE phone call. Whether you have 25 church members or 2500, one phone call is all it takes.
This is great for spreading news such as:
  • Church service cancellations or schedule changes
  • Reminders about turning the clocks ahead or back
  • Updates about church events, such as potlucks
  • Call for assistance for ill or grieving church members
  • Spreading good news, such as the birth of a baby
While the use of a group messaging service is helpful for all churches, no matter the size, they can be especially useful to large churches. Using such services really takes the load off when it comes to making sure that all church members get important information. No one will have to be tied up all day making phone calls. Instead, you can just make one phone call, or send one email or text message and the rest will be taken care of for you.
All you have to do is add all of the church members to your contact list. You will want to include at least one phone number and email address for each member. You can easily add or delete people from your contact list as the membership of your church grows and changes.
Once your contact list is complete, you are ready to start easily spreading news to each member of the congregation. You just contact the group notification service via phone, email or text. That's it! The service will then get the information to every person on your contact list.
Yes, you will have to update the information on your list frequently as phone numbers change, but the process of doing that is very quick and easy. Most pastors and church staff that use a group messaging service agree that the amount of time it saves them is well worth the small cost of using the service.
Church members will feel in the loop, and you can focus on the much more important tasks involved in running a successful church. Register with a group messaging service today and your workload will be instantly lighter.
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Rating Structured Data Cabling Networks

Cat 5. Cat 5enhanced. Category 6. 6 Augmented. In researching data cabling to fit your home or business network needs, you may have heard all of these terms bandied about with regularity. You know that Cable X is Category 6 compliant, because the vendor says so. That's great, but what does it really mean to the reliability and functionality of your home and business network. Each of these terms represents an increase in the capability of the cabling and the underlying network they support.
Structured Data Cabling Categories Pertain to Network Speed
Someone that is well-versed in cabling standards knows that the higher the Category assigned to a cable, the faster the network it will work with. As an example, Category 5 cable can support network speeds of up to 100 megabits (100 Base-T) over distances of up to ninety metres, whereas Category 6 Augmented can support speeds of up to 10 Gigabits (10GB Base-T/10,000Base-T) at distances of up to ninety metres. Jump back to plain Category 6 cabling, and you still get 10GB support, but shorter distances supported. Electrical singles are also measured in Megahertz. Category 5 is capable of supporting signals up to 250 Megahertz, while Category 6 Augmented cables can support signal speeds up to 500 Megahertz.
How Structured Data Cabling Improvements Are Obtained
In a networking environment, crosstalk is the biggest enemy of the effective, error-free transmission of data. The less crosstalk prevalent on the cable, the faster that cable will be capable of transmitting data at. Crosstalk is the phenomena where signal that is transmitted on one cable pair, leeches, or bleeds over, onto adjacent cable pairs. An example of crosstalk in everyday life can be found when you pick up a telephone and can hear people other than the person you intended to ring up. Crosstalk is reduced by twisting the cable pairs. First each pair is twisted around itself at a specific rate of twists per centimeter rate. Then, the four cable pairs that make up an individual cable are twisted upon each other, again at a specific rate of twists per centimeter.
Structured Data Cabling Components Must Be Matched
Just because you have Category 6 Augmented cable installed, doesn't mean you're automatically going to have a network that supports speeds up to ten gigabits. All of the equipment in your network must be capable of operating at the ten gigabit date rate, otherwise, the network will operate at the data rate supported by the lowest rated piece of equipment. Using your car for an example, even if you put a set of Goodyear racing tires on it, if the engine is out of a lawnmower, the car isn't going to be able to go very fast, unless you upgrade the engine. This is true in your network also. Patch cords, jacks, connectors, patch panels, hubs, routers, and network interface cards must all support the ten gigabit network protocol in order for the network to operate at that speed. Of course, thanks to the Ethernet network topology, a single piece of equipment, such a network printer, isn't going to drag down the entire network, just that link.
With 25 year experience in putting together structured cabling project cost for our clients, Wayne Connors & ACCL offers you a free project cost estimator download. Paired with our Technical Proposal tender document for Data Cabling installation eBooks- you can save thousands! All aspects of your next tender proposal are included.

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Friday, June 15, 2012

Keeping The World Within Reach

At this point in our history, no one would argue the importance of staying connected and in touch with the rest of the world. The range and selection of choices couldn't be greater, no matter where you live. Staying in touch has never been easier than it is now. The most bothersome choice could be deciding what choices work best for you.
Staying connected in the society we live in today is vitally important and plays a vital role in how we conduct our day-to-day live and business. Regardless of where you call home, you now have an abundance of choices available. For the most part staying in touch is relatively easy now. Deciding and staying with the options that fit your life style is the best way to stay connected.
Phones, especially now are really easy to acquire. The biggest hindrance in the past, without any doubt, was the geographic location. All remote regions were classified as a "no phone line region" and very much off the grid, unless you still used carrier pigeon or smoke signals. In a very small number of circumstances however, could wireless service be enjoyed. This was due mostly because of signal blockers that don't seem to stop satellite broadband and sat phone services.
Satellite based communications are all over the globe. No longer do potential customers have to worry about not being able to afford this form of keeping in touch and connected with the rest of the world from the remotest of locations. You no longer have to be on one of the wealthiest lists to enjoy connection technology.
Communication satellites are much more affordable and accessible than the yesterdays. The competitiveness of this new market is bringing down the rates and making this a new frontier for communications companies. There are sat phones for renting as well as for sale. While it still isn't a right time for some people to buy, the satellite broadband internet service is comparably reasonable and a very shopper savvy choice.
No one should ever consider a remote region without some form of reliable means of communication contact. Everyone values quiet time and a great getaway, including distance from a cell phone of internet. But it is wise to have a sat phone. A rental one will offer an emergency link should something life threatening or other emergency event happen while on your short hiatus. This is a very effective, and all things considered, a very affordable link to help and information. Just steer clear of long lengthy conversations.
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Changes In Satellite Technology Will Cause Fantastic Deals

Satellites are used for many things. Most of us think of government surveillance when we imagine what a satellite does. There is more to it than that though. Everyday regular folks use satellites to watch TV and to keep in touch, through sat phones as well as the internet. There is a lot that satellites have been doing for us and they will do even more in the future.
Satellite technology has evolved from big floating metal blobs that orbit our planet into a much smaller, just as capable as the previous generation satellites using the same technology that have generated smaller cell phones and laptops. Some of the satellites are really small, less expensive, simpler and much less complicated as well as being more effective.The bigger older technology such as boom boxes have become so cumbersome that it is more convenient to carry around a iPod for your music and video enjoyment. This is no hands, stick it in your smallest pocket, on your belt or on your arm music, video or picture library less than the size of a cassette. This technology has really changed our cell phones, computers and satellite phones as well; more bang in a smaller package.
Satellite technology is taking advantage of the same technology that has allowed cell phones and the many other useful personal devices to go smaller and more powerful. The scaled down versions of the larger satellites range in size from pocket-size to backpack size, with the same equipment, much less expensive and less complicated than the older bigger versions.
CubeSat seems to be the crown jewel accomplishment for the primary small satellites. They are only a 10 centimeter square and is currently in use by universities and high schools totaling in excess of 60. Environment sensing experiments, fundamental biology research, the US Air Force and the National Science Foundation's space weather research are a few of the other uses these miniature satellites are being used for.
At this moment these small satellites are not being used for communication purposes. Because of the high rate of technological growth though that could change soon. The advancement that is constantly going on in electronics and communication will without a doubt also mean lower prices on all of those gadgets that we love. That will mean satellite phones most likely at a much cheaper rate, so that all those people who have been waiting to buy them will now have the option.

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Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Lion King's Telecom Management Wisdom

Recently while watching the film The Lion King mesmerize my granddaughter, the Lion King (Mustafa) offered his young cub Simba some wonderful words of wisdom:"You have not yet become what you will be!" This is a powerful truth, often overlooked by management, and yet can relate easily to your company's telecom/wireless management teams telecom expense and asset management. Given the right tools combined with determination and training, your management teams can produce maximized savings and optimal efficiencies that cannot be replicated through their own diligence. In effect: Becoming all they can be.
Bring your telecom management team into the 21st Century and give them what they need to discover cost savings your company requires to stay competitive. Or better yet, get a competitive advantage on rival businesses in this vital indirect spend category. If your team is not using best-in-class software for automating inventory, expense optimization, procurement/Help Desk, invoice and payment management, your telecom/wireless management teams Have not yet become what they could be!
Consider these Seven Key Performance Indicators (KPI's)
The Aberdeen Group describes the following Seven KPI's and demonstrates your wireless/telecom management team's function optimally when companies carry out best-in-class Telecom Expense Management (TEM) solutions with these terrific outcomes:
Best-in-class companies exhibited the following characteristics:
  • 45 percent average productivity increase for fixed invoice reconciliation, audit and disputes
  • 41 percent average productivity increase for fixed procurement and service order tracking
  • 42 percent average productivity increase for mobile invoice reconciliation, audit and disputes
  • 40 percent average productivity increase for mobile procurement and service order tracking
Another report, Execute on Wireless Expense Management to Drive ROI, showed that best-in-class companies accomplished a:
  • 31 percent decrease in the cost of monthly wireless voice services
  • 24 percent decrease in the cost of monthly wireless data services
  • 26 percent decrease in the cost of managing devices
You have management teams in place. Help them to help your company achieve optimal results and become what they can be.
Just Think What Your Management Teams Must Do To Optimally Manage Your Wireline and Wireless Assets.
A business' telecom management team must be able to track all wireline and wireless assets from inception to elimination (with hopes accuracy has been fully maintained), analyzing all telecom invoices covering every vendor while examining each asset. Optimizing/Validating:
  • contract compliance while optimizing each plan/asset monthly
  • all zero or low use assets of each service offering. Examples - identifying data, voice, texting on a wireless device
  • all feature and/or plan options, flagging those assets not needed or used
  • vendor invoices while demonstrating all negotiated and available discounts are correctly occurring
  • feature options are on the best plans without over-charges
  • recommended changes while tracking all moves, adds, changes, and deletions
  • while all corporate policies are followed
Once each telecom asset is optimized, correctly processing the invoices while preparing them for prompt payment, as your team takes into account all asset assignments and cost centers, This is all required for best-in-class TEM/WEM management.
Expense Optimization Results
Our experience indicates, your telecom management team results are reflective of their telephony expertise, time available/spent optimizing with or without automating tools for managing these vital assets.
  • Your expense and asset optimization results will undoubtedly fall into one of the following categories:
  • worst case scenario; excessive time spent for less or no real savings
  • excessive man-hours achieving optimal savings results (dramatically reducing ROI)
  • best case scenario; least amount of man-hours spent to achieve best possible savings.
  • Unfortunately for many companies the worst case scenario is quite typical.
Efficient Telecom/Wireless Expense Management (TEM/WEM)
This is when your telecom management team becomes what it can be! Your company providing telephony training (or smart-sourcing to a TEM/WEM solution provider) utilizing a best-in-class automated software solution will move your telecom management team to the coveted best-in-class designation with optimal savings while providing valuable time-saving efficiencies.
Is your current telecom/wireless management team equipped and prepared to become all your organization has determined that they should be?
Let me know how I can help your organization successfully accomplish telecom/wireless savings your telecom team properly assisted would love to achieve.
Gary is the Business Development Manager for Integrity Communications. With a wealth of telecom marketing experience, Gary provides useful insights for those seeking help with various telecom cost reduction strategies as they work to improve their telecom teams efficiencies concerning their business' telecom environment.
Ask about Integrity's ALL REWARD/NO RISK telecom analysis at your earliest convenience!
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Living Multiple Lives and the Acceleration of Knowledge in the 21st Century

Born in 1950 made me a baby boomer, a part of a population explosion as the world woke up from the second world war which had just kick started the greatest technological developments in all of history.
No one asked if there was enough money to do what was humanly possible in war time. If the raw materials were available and with inventiveness not restricted by Keynesian economics if it could be done it was done.
With national survival as motivation what was achieved in six years was nothing short of staggering. With everyone pulling together the production figures reach levels never believed possible.
Looking back, just six years with no financial restraints gave my generation the ability to live several lives.
All the varied things I have been able to do have only been possible from 1945 onwards.
As a private pilot the war effort gave me new aircraft design with reliable engines that were safe. Navigation aids for radio direction. VHF radio for contact with air traffic control. Gyroscopes were making artificial horizon, instruments for flying in clouds. Radar, GPS, even moving maps came via computing another second world war development.
In 1990 I set out to sail around the world in a fifty foot steel yacht. Again prior to the war it would have been only a rich man that could build a twenty six ton yacht. In this vessel I had a depth sounder unheard of before 1939. The war gave me accurate charts. GPS and map on my computer laptop made navigation so safe. My H.F. radio meant I was always able to contact maritime control by skipping radio signals off the ionosphere.
It was rocketry developed by the Germans that was the start of going into space. How blessed to have an Iridium satellite phone incase of medical emergency.
Television was also an offshoot of radar both required a cathode ray tube
All the strange new materials. Plastics, rayon, fiberglass have only available to the ordinary man since 1950. I used Dacron sail cloth when building hang gliders in 1974.
T61636 structural aluminum I used in ultra light aircraft and then carbon fiber when building a fiber glass home built aircraft.
Could any working man prior to the war build with any of these high tech. materials?
In sixty years I have traveled to 31 countries. Sailed in command 54 thousand nautical miles. Flown 450 hours in my own light aircraft, countless thousands of miles by jet aircraft.
Had access to medical technology that has photographed my intestinal tract, scanned how thick the plaque is in my heart arteries and given me graduated lenses in my glasses.
Now I have access to a thousand libraries at the push of a button. Over a thousand CD's of music. The ability to make a high definition movie and do full editing on a home computer.
Take high quality photos which have no processing fee.
Drive the safest cars yet made.
I have never known hunger or danger.
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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Build Up Rapport Effortlessly

How To Be A Great Communicator And Build Up Rapport Effortlessly!
Building Rapport
You meet different types of people everyday. It is not possible to make and maintain a good relationship with all of them. No one clicks with every person he/she meets. However, it's important for you to create positive interactions with those who can push your buttons.
Communication needs to be result oriented. Building rapport is the ultimate tool for producing results and is vital for effective communication. The foundation for any meaningful interaction, it makes you more memorable and can be critical in your personal life and career.
Building rapport is similar to building a bridge over a river. The stronger the bridge, the more it can carry. In a relationship, you can ask for more if you have better rapport with the other person.
Irrespective of your knowledge about the person, there are 6 main steps to establish rapport with anyone.
Communication is much more than exchange of words. In fact, 93% of all communication is down to the tonality of your voice and your body language. So, building rapport is far more than just talking about common experiences.
However, people like people when they resemble themselves. When they don't, it is difficult to have any kind of relationship, let alone an effective one!
Some people easily build rapport with others. Take a look into your past.
Was building rapport an easy a job for you?
Even if you are a master rapport builder, for sure you've also had times when you thought, "Oh, what am I going to do and say next?"
Everyone has such experiences.
Or consider an entirely different situation. You are so tired and have a terrible headache. Then a friend or colleague comes jumping in and full of energy, wanting to talk your head off?
There have also been times, for sure, when you turned out to be the irritating friend.
6 things you need to do to build rapport~
1. Match the persons sensory modality
People like to have relationship with those who think and behave like themselves, or even with those who have similar background. Matching and mirroring the way others think and talk is a good way to build rapport with them.
There is slight difference between mirroring and matching. Mirroring is quite similar to looking into a mirror. The time difference between the actions of both parties is negligible. However, in matching you would have to wait for your turn to repeat the action of the other party.
Take a look at the portion about visual, auditory and kin-aesthetic modalities. It's time for you to put it into practice.
Take note of the indicator words that the person is using and use words/phrases from the same modality. Also, look out for eye movements to spot thinking patterns.
2. Mirror the persons Physiology
Have you ever noticed that a group of teenagers who are friends bear similarities in their clothing, vocabulary and movements? People who are in rapport have a tendency to dress in a similar way or have matching body language.
Mirroring the physiology of someone you're talking to can make him/her feel comfortable. Copying the person's posture, facial expressions, hand gestures, movements and even their eye blinking, will cause their body to say unconsciously to their mind that this person is like me!
3. Matching their voice
You should match the tone, tempo, timbre and the volume of the person's voice. If the person is slow and deliberate, he will feel comfortable if you are the same way. You should also try, when you speak, to use the keywords that they use a lot.
For examples: "Alright", "Actually", "You know what I mean"
4. Matching their breathing
If there is a big difference in the breathing pattern of two people in conversation, both of them would feel uncomfortable. If you want to build rapport with someone, you need to match the rhythm of breathing of the other person by moving your foot or finger at the same pace.
5. Matching how they deal with information
Different people deal with information differently. Some are detail oriented and some prefer it brief. You need to match the other person's way of dealing with information.
If you get this wrong you will find it very difficult to build rapport as the detailed oriented person will be yearning for more information and the other type of person will soon be yawning!
6. Matching common experiences
Suppose, you are a long way from home and met someone, who is a total stranger, and discovered he is from your own hometown. Before long, you will find yourself in a very lively conversation with the guy, looking for experiences in common.
Consider the opposite case. You are in a restaurant and everybody at your table has been served their food but you. How do you feel? Out of place?
This is all about finding some commonality. If both parties have matching experiences, interests, backgrounds, values and beliefs, they have greater chance to be in rapport.
One point to bear in mind is that you need to be subtle when you are matching and mirroring. Be careful not to exceed the limits. Typically, however, the other person will not notice it.
You can develop your ability to observe other people to such an extent that you will begin to see and even predict people's reactions to communications. This is known as calibration and is a way of determining whether you are in rapport with someone.
Increasing levels of rapport
Matching Modalities
Matching the persons physiology
Matching their voice
Matching their breathing patterns
Matching how they deal with information
Matching common experiences
© Dawn Hogan, Hogans Life Coaching, Inc.
Business Strategies Life Coach
We will work together on strategic plans that will result in success and a healthy balance between work and life. Our coaching sessions will help you focus and prioritize to improve your service, grow your business and increase your revenues.
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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Knowing More About Ethernet Wiring and Ethernet Wiring Cables

Not many people know what Ethernet it, and they do not know that they make use of Ethernet wiring everyday of their lives. You may be one of them, which means that you want to read a little more of this articles if you are going to learn a little more about Ethernet wiring and Ethernet wiring cables.
The first thing that you have to know is that Ethernet wires or cables have not been around for very long, the same goes for USB connections and cables. You will also want to know that you can set up your own Ethernet cables, like the M12, and it is not that hard. If you are going to do this however, there is no way you can do it without a schematic or a diagram.
This is why you want to make sure that you have a diagram that you can use, but where do you get them from? There are a number of sites online that offer you schematics for making up these types of cables, as said before it is not that hard, but you will want to make sure that you follow the instructions perfectly if you are doing to have a fast connection to use in your home or office.
You will find that the cables have a very distinct color code to it. There are many different colors used in Ethernet wiring, but most of the time the common colors are used all over the world. If you are going to find the right setting for this type of thing you will want to make sure that you spend a little time online.
You need to do as much research as you can, so make sure that you learn more about the terminals used, and the wires that are inside the cables that you are going to buy and use for your wiring. you will find that going to blogs sites and forum to learn more about the things that need will be a great help, because there are many experts waiting to help you in your quest.
What will you use these cables for? These Ethernet cables are being use all over the world, in homes, in offices and even at the ATM's you use on a daily basis. These are made to connect you to the internet, and the great thing about them is that they are the tools that regulate the speed you get from your connection.
You will find that the cat 5 cable is the most commonly used one for many years, but these are getting phased out for the cat 5e cable. You will find that faster connections make use of the cat 6, these are for ATM's, but they are slowly being phased out to make room for the faster cat 7 Ethernet wiring cable that are being introduced to the market in a few months times, so you will want to keep your eye peeled for that if you want to surf the net with speed.
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Improve Your Communication Skills Without a 2X4

Charley is busy writing copy for her new website sales page. Fred rushes over to her, launching immediately into a monologue about something. Shaken from her concentration on her task, Charley is suddenly cast adrift, trying to figure out the context of Fred's communication. She's missed the first sentence or two, has lost the train of her creative thought, and is now trying to orient herself to Fred.
Fred, who has been thinking about his subject for awhile, knows why he's interrupting Charley. Unfortunately, he doesn't realize he's acting as though what he has to say is more important than what she is doing. Because he has been thinking about it, he tends to act as though Charley has been following his train of thought as well and doesn't need an introduction to it for her. As a result, he doesn't give Charley the big picture so she can respond appropriately.
Charley asks Fred to repeat what he has already said. She tries to get clarification. Fred stops but sounds annoyed and frustrated that she "obviously hasn't been listening."
What should Charley have done?
1. Make Fred understand ahead of time, if possible, that she's not to be interrupted unless it's an emergency requiring her immediate attention.
2. Tell Fred that she wants to hear what he has to say but not while she's creating copy.
3. Remind him nonverbally (with a hand "stop")if he forgets.
4. Keep impatience out of her voice or actions if he doesn't heed hand gestures or gentle shushing, and say,
"Later, please."
5. Thank him afterward for acceding to her wishes, reinforcing his positive behavior.
6. Inquire as to what he wanted to share.
7. Give Fred her full attention when she listens.
But listening and communication are not a one-way street. Fred needs to be aware of and sensitive to what listening and communication require. So what should Fred have done instead?
1. Determine if Charley were available to listen to him before launching into what he had to say.
2. Be sensitive to her being unwilling to interrupt what she was doing at that moment.
3. Decide if it's important enough to interrupt her work at that moment.
4. Make sure he has her attention before speaking and not just assume he has.
5. Call her by name and ask if he can tell her something about XYZ.
6. Tell her what he wants to talk about and why he thinks it's important before launching into his monologue.
7. Wait for eye contact with her before speaking about his subject.
8. Check her understanding by asking for feedback, opinions, or suggestions about it.
Listening and communication for both Fred and Charley (the sender and receiver of any communication) require their being Aware, Attentive, Considerate, Empathic, Cooperative, Respectful, and Responsive.
Signe A. Dayhoff, Ph.D., social psychologist, interpersonal communications expert, and coach, shows private practice professionals how to successfully market by sharing educational materials and using interpersonal communication to create rapport and relationships with clients. Using the Educate To Connect soft-sell marketing method you can emotionally grab your prospects and increase your clients up to 20% in only 3 months in 5 simple steps. You can finally market with confidence, professionalism, and integrity... less expensively and without "selling."
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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Wi-Fi VS 3G, What to Choose?

Staying connected to the Internet on a vacation or while traveling has become easy. Thanks to the development of new technologies. There are public wireless hotspots now, internet on the mobile and even the possibility of using our cell phone as a modem, which make it easier for us access the internet on the go. It is important for us to be able to browse the internet for various reasons; we need to check our mails, both personal and professional, stay in touch with friends and family and even for the purpose of entertainment, like watching video clips online or playing games through various websites, internet is required. In fact, a lot of us are addicted to the World Wide Web and cannot do without it because of which we appreciate the available technologies that enable us being online all the time. However, a question arises when it comes to choosing the best technology for better connectivity, i.e. Wi-Fi vs 3G. Let's try to understand both these technologies to come to a conclusion.
What is Wi-Fi?
It stands for Wireless Fidelity which is a technology used to link and transfer data wirelessly between devices. It is widely used for connecting devices to the internet, like connecting a laptop to a modem without any wires. In terms of mobile communication, wireless hotspots are present in most places these days from where people can connect their cell phones to the internet. This service may or may not be free all the time. These hotspots have towers or receivers which transmit frequencies and signals wirelessly to different electronic devices. There are millions of people worldwide who use this technology.
What is 3G?
It stands for 3rd Generation Mobile Telecommunications and is an upgrade from 2G or GPRS. It is a modern technology through which faster mobile connectivity is obtained by applying higher frequencies and faster transmission rate. Using this technology people can acquire speed up to 144 Kbps per second. Many companies around the world have started providing this technology to people through mobile networks.
Wi-Fi vs 3G
3G is better than Wi-Fi due to the following reasons:
1) It is very fast and can be connected from anywhere.
2) No transmission tower required.
3) Best for video streaming and playing games.
However, 3G is more expensive so the verdict of Wi-Fi vs 3G lies with the people depending on what they want, whether they want a faster service or a more economical service.
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Information About 3G And 4G Technologies

We live in a fast changing world where new technologies emerge every now and then. Speed is of great concern to people in the 21st century and so scientists and engineers are constantly trying to explore new ways of faster information transmission, the information being either voice or data. This effort resulted in inventions of technologies like 2G, GPRS, Wi-Fi, Broadband, T1 etc. Also, the usage of mobile phones has changed, people no longer view a cell phone as a device meant for only talking or texting and it is rather expected to provide access to internet and other application that one would find in a PC. Activities like video streaming, watching movies and playing online games on the cell phone are very popular which make companies to invest in their R & D and come with networks that can better support these demands of the consumers. This is why 3G and 4G were introduced in the mobile communications market. They were introduced only in 2010 and in fact, many countries are yet to accept them. Thus, in 3G vs 4G, which one is better, is something we will find out in due course.
What does 3G stand for?
3G is the short form for 3rd Generation Mobile Telecommunications. It is a wireless communication technology that was developed to enable faster transmission of information. It's expected to provide consistent speed of at least 144 kb per seconds. Some of the features associated with it are live video streaming, better quality video calls, faster internet connectivity etc. It has been popular so far in most of the countries like US, Japan, China and India, and in the US, various tests have observed that it is able to deliver the kind of services that were promised by the mobile operators, when it was introduced. It was first introduced in Japan by NTT Docomo and then Verizon brought it to the US market in 2010.
What is 4G?
There is actually no official definition of 4G; few companies claim to provide faster and better network than existing ones, however officially they are just upgraded versions of 3G. Those claiming to be 4G networks will have to pass the test of time and prove that they are able to deliver what they are claiming; only then their authenticity will be verified.
3G vs 4G
It is too early to give a verdict on 3G vs 4G as they are both very new. Once we are aware of all the positives and the short comings then we will be able to compare these two.
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Monday, June 4, 2012

Telephone Line Costs More Expensive As Companies Hike Prices

BT has recently raised charges for its telephone line rental and call rates for the third time in a year. At a time when household finances are at their tightest, BT have made the decision to increase costs, making the average phone bill jump from £183 to £217 a year.
BT's daytime landline call charges are going up 9 percent to 7.6 pence a minute, up from 5.4p just one year ago. The supplier's line rental costs are also going up by 30p a month, to £13.90. Customers still paying their bills by cash will also pay 60p a month more, with additional charges for services such as call waiting going from £2.70 a month to £3. BT have also trimmed their evening off-peak periods back an hour, to 7pm.
The most recent call cost changes will come into effect on April 28th. It is expected to affect the four million BT customers who are not on all-inclusive call packages. However, the higher line rental costs will affect all BT customers regardless of which service they are using.
Mike Wilson, mobile and broadband manager at, said: "We have seen a lot of price movement in the landline market recently and unfortunately for consumers most of the moves have been to increase the cost of having and using a home phone line."
Virgin Media increased its prices by 6 percent last year, and Sky is set to raise its prices in June although it has not yet said how much. TalkTalk also plans to raise call charges by 16 percent and line rental by 2 percent.
"Other suppliers will inevitably follow BT, as we saw with repeated copycat price rises in 2010," said Wilson. "This latest price increase will do little to ease the rising cost of living that UK customers are facing."
Households could face further charges as a result of the provision of broadband to rural areas. "It's true that the telecoms industry is under pressure to invest in the roll-out of broadband to rural areas," said Ernest Doku, technology expert at uSwitch. "It seems though that home phone rather than broadband customers could be paying the price."
Household customers are going to have to take measures into their own hands in order to keep costs down. Customers will need to research the best price plan to suit their needs, possibly moving to a deal that offers free evening and weekend calls, or free 'anytime' calls for those at home during the day. Line rental costs can be saved by switching away from the big providers to a smaller company such as Primus which offers line rental for just £6.79 a month.
Virgin Media currently offer free landline to mobile calls as part of their packages. Also, customers with a Virgin phone line can now receive discounts on mobile phone deals.

Why Non Verbal Communication Is Very Important

Non Verbal communication is also known as silent communication. Communication is an act or a show in this world stage where information is exchanged between an individual and group either through words known as verbal communication or by facial expressions, postures, gestures, tones of voice etc. Mostly everyone use non verbal signals while communicating everyday. Non verbal communication begins from childhood, even handicapped who cannot speak communicate with their hands.
According to anthropologists Paul Ekman " Body Language and in particular facial expressions communicate more powerful than words ". It is true that when we communicate it is verbally and non verbally for example: have you ever noticed that while talking with someone on a phone or any place we smile, get angry, frown, feel sad etc. are some of the emotions noticed. Sometimes when talking to friends/relatives/family members we have to be very careful to control our expressions as the impact of the misunderstanding may lead to an unhealthy relationship.
A hand shake, waving good bye or pointing, threating someone by raising your hand etc. are hand gestures which requires no words but is non verbally interacted. Eyes also speak by giving a surprise look, angry look, ignorant look, cunning look etc. Nodding your head is also used to relay a yes or no. Kids when learning to speak they use many non verbal gestures to make an elder understand what he wants. A posture to sit and walk also communicates an attitude. The way of movement, leg crossing or arm crossing also conveys a message being an egoist. While on an occasion the person bends forwards while shaking hands it conveys a message that he is humble. In India touching feet and taking blessings of elders creates an impact that one is brought up well.
Touch which is also a medium connected to non verbal communication. Touch can be used to communicate emotions related to affection, sympathy. It is said that infants / babies recognize their near ones through touch when some one else tries to carry him or her the baby starts crying, even during sleep when the baby cries and the mother puts her hand on his or her chest, this gesture of putting a hand on the baby conveyed a non verbal message to the baby of being protected and safety.
Appearances also play a vital role it is said that, "First impression is the last impression". So what is our choice of colors, clothes, hairstyle, postures etc. reflects our personality. Today in industries and offices the office staff have to dress up in a formal way. In an examination hall a candidate has to give written test but during an interview he has to give a practical exam of his or her personality i.e. the color of his clothes says about his nature as it is said "Color's speak", his way of walking tells about his confidence, his facial expressions- nervousness, his eyes conveys whether he is frightened or not. The board taking the interview takes all this non verbal actions before interviewing him verbally. So today every one takes a lesson on personal development where experts teach him/her how to present himself/herself.
Today to keep up in the market a business owner of an Organization/a store, even owners of small business take interest to moderate their offices by using professional interior designer to decorate their offices because a well decorated office communicates non verbally with the clients who visit them which results in a successful snappy deal.
Even tones create an impact on the listener. Gentle tone, Slow tone, Shouting tone, Grumbling tones gives a lot of meaning to non verbal behavior. Sometimes while communicating a silent reply conveys a message that there is a lack of understanding.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Envelopes - Do People Still Use Them?

Do you think gone are the days when people wrote letters to each other? Well, this is not entirely true as we can still find a few using the old traditional way of communication. Although people have started to use electronic mail to send personal and business letters, still many prefer to do it the traditional way. Nowadays, the traditional letter writing is known as 'snail mail'. Whatever the reason is behind the slowly vanishing letter writing, the demand for envelopes is still high. One can find various types of packaging item available in the market. All these have different uses and come in various sizes. These packaging items are not the same in sizes. These are made essentially for different purposes. If you want to know more about this popular packaging item, read on.
When you receive one, regardless of its size and color, you tend to be really curious about what's inside it. Most of the time, it carries news in it. Birth, death, marriage, job, etc. A single packaging item like this can even reflects the personality of the sender, like the preference in color and designs. Some even have interesting scents.
In this age of e-mail it's hard to find a person who exactly knows how to fill out an envelope. Let's discuss about how to fill out one for mailing.
Recipient's Address-It is the heart of the wrapper known as, the mailing address. You will write the address at the center of the wrapper. You can write it horizontally or vertically. Write his/her name with the salutation and the most important is zip code. This address should be completed in three lines.
Return Address-It's basically your own address. It should be written at the top left corner of the wrapper. Again, you can write it horizontally or vertically depending on how you wrote the recipient address. Return address is also very important. It is used in case any problem or the post office is unable to send the letter. The letter will be sent back to the return address. This one should also be written in three lines.
Stamp -After writing both addresses the last thing you have to do is collect and attach postage stamp. How many stamp you need and which type, it depends on some facts. It contains the place where you want the mail to be sent, size of the envelope and the weight. That's why you must visit a post office to get the stamps.
Envelopes are still needed in so many different types of work and business today. So, it's important to know about it and collect it from well-reputed makers of the packaging items
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The Benefits Of Using An Ethernet Connection

In order to achieve a competitive edge over the current stiff competition, businesses around the world now depend a lot on efficient and reliable communication means. Many businesses irrespective of their size nowadays link either departments of the company or even branches in the case of big companies having interests in different locations. Sharing of information is facilitated by a network connection and there exist many types of network connections in the market today. Ethernet connection is one of the most common and reliable models of networking computers that many organizations use nowadays.
An Ethernet connection is the most popular mechanism of setting up a local area network. LANs nowadays can be applied over large distances since it is a faster and more reliable network compared to the Wide Area Networks. This type of connections provides reliable data transfers at very efficient rates across a network.
Today, the Ethernet technology runs from speeds of 10Mbps to 1Gbps. The increase in speeds from the traditional 10Mbps to the relatively faster speeds of 1Gbps was necessitated by the increased demands of higher performance in the communication industry. Fast Ethernet allows data transfers at speeds up to 100 Mbps while the Gigabit Ethernet allows data transfers at speeds of up to 1Gbps in a network.
This connection easily carries an IP address and other layer 3 protocols. It has no restrictions in terms of structured cabling in any medium whether fiber optic, radio waves, microwaves or Untwisted pair Copper category 5/5e/6. The choice of cable selected to be used in a network however depends with the type of network being used. Category 5 is best suited to Fast while category 5e and 6 are best suited to Gigabit.
This network connection has numerous benefits which most commonly include its scalability abilities. This technology is easily scalable to fit in with the increasing needs for better bandwidth. This provides users an opportunity to effectively increase their bandwidths according to their requirements hence increasing traffic beyond their Committed Information Rate, CIR.
It also provides high speed communication between and within networks at relatively low costs. Ethernet has become universal and every computer being produced these days has it inbuilt. Most computers come with a standard speed of 1Gps but the other speeds are also available at affordable rates. It is hence faster than most of other technologies. The provision of this technology also minimizes the need of replacing hardware every time bandwidth is changed.
The technology provides its users with high flexibility allowing the delivery of the exact bandwidth needed by the user. This makes inter-networking between different devices on a particular network possible and simple. Flexibility enables a user to migrate from lower to higher speeds hence allowing for easy scalability for future growth. It is the flexibility property of this technology that makes it a favorite choice for enterprises with growing bandwidth needs.
The greatest advantage of this technology over others is its ability to turn a simple point to point connection into a point to multipoint or any to any network. This allows an organization to expand irrespective of the geographical locations of their offices.
The technology is hence a better choice for many organizations because it offers a cost-effective, flexible and a scalable solution to all their network needs. Service providers as well as users find it profitable too. Over the years, its speeds have gone up while its costs have reduced.
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