Thursday, July 5, 2012

Eliminate Your Landline and Cellphone Bills With 4G Internet Service

These days, everyone is talking about how traditional landline phone have become outdated. Technology experts are predicting that within the next decade, landline phones will become obsolete, and many Americans have already started making the switch away from them. Many people are getting rid of their old landlines because those monthly bills can cost them anywhere from $20-50 per month, and when they're paying for cellphone service on top of that, it gets quite expensive. Cellphone plans often cost people an additional $20-50 per month, and that doesn't include any of the extra fees that often get thrown in whenever people exceed the minutes or data usage that they've signed up for. Americans want to be able to communicate with the people they care about, but they're fed up with all of the expensive bills that they're being forced to pay. These bills have become an unwanted burden for many, especially now since the economic recession has caused nearly everyone to lower their budgets, but fortunately, Americans get cut all of their communication costs if they simply get a good wireless internet plan.
Impressively, some of the best wireless internet plans cost only $30 per month, which is much less than most families spend on their landline or cellphone bills. Technology has evolved to the point that you no longer need a landline or even a monthly cellphone plan in order to have a phone conversation with other people. The most affordable way to make a phone call these days is to use a VoIP program, which enables you to make low-cost or free calls over the internet. Most commonly, people use VoIP programs to make long-distance video calls over their computers to other computers. Those calls are completely free, and the only cost involved is for your monthly wireless internet plan, which is affordable. If you're going to be making and receiving all of your calls over the internet, then it's really important to make sure you're paying for a good service. Today, the best Wi-Fi service available is 4G internet, which is four times faster than other wireless services. You may not think you'd be able to notice that difference, but whenever you make a video call, you'll definitely be able to tell that the picture and sound is clearer, and you'll experience fewer dropped calls.
Many families are hesitant to get rid of their monthly cellphone plans and landlines because they don't want to be limited to sitting in front of their computers in order to make phone calls. Fortunately, there are many different ways to use your wireless internet access and a VoIP program. Aside from using a laptop or desktop computer, you can even use a smartphone these days. Instead of paying for a monthly calling plan, simply sign up for a plan that will give you Wi-Fi access so you can make cheaper calls online. To replace a landline, many companies have come out with small boxes and phones, which look just like cordless handheld phones that are common in households everywhere, but these phones connect to the internet instead of a landline. Save your family some money and hassle by eliminating your monthly landline and cellphone plans and signing up for a great Wi-Fi plan instead.

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