Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Who Owns This Email Address? Know Who An Email Address Belongs To And Get Name And Location

Who owns this email address? This should the first question everyone should ask when they receive an anonymous e-mail. By asking this simple question, you can slowly dig up the information you need to determine the owner of the e-mail account. Many people have asked "who owns this email address?" but failed to get the information they need because they are not aware of the very simple process that can get the data they need fast.

Introducing Reverse Email Lookup

One of the most popular phone-related services before the internet is the phone number reverse lookup. Simply call the phone company and they can search for the account associated with the phone number. Reverse email lookup is almost the except that it uses e-mail as its source of additional data. Reverse email lookup is also a pure online process which should be expected since electronic mails are based on the internet.

This online process is the best answer to the question, "who owns this email address?" Instead of blindly using search engines and social networking sites, reverse lookup can get the information fast with the expected accuracy.

The Advantage of Look Up Email Address

As already indicated, search engines and social networking sites are not reliable when searching for the identity behind the e-mail account. It is possible that matching accounts could be found in these sites but they are only accessible when they are willingly posted online by the account owner. But this setting rarely happen which means the account owner cannot be identified with this process.

Websites dedicated for reverse search can easily access public and private information. They have a dedicated service with an extensive database. They are constantly updating their data so that the latest online accounts could be stored in their server.

Sites to Look up Email Address - Small Fee with Big Benefits

Because these sites have to maintain servers and constantly updated their database, the services they offer are not free. However, the fees are not exorbitant as you're only searching for one account. With a small fee, you can get the accurate data you need to determine who owns the e-mail address.

Reverse lookup websites can provide the name and address behind the online account but it can still be extended to previous addresses, phone numbers and even criminal records. Don't worry about the tedious process in getting the data you need since the interface is very simple. All you need is an e-mail address and relevant information with the account could be downloaded in an instant.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=FE_Oswald


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