Monday, September 3, 2012

Key Alert Indicators For Dynamic Mobility Device Optimization and Wireless Management

Alert signals can be annoying as all get out, until you experience their true value. How many times has that seat belt alert light flashed and annoyed you into compliance? But when you have an accident you're grateful for the alert, even more so in buckling up. That annoying buzzer in your house makes a terrible racket, however, my mom can attest to the fact that it saved her life during a recent house fire! When alerts can be put in place in managing your wireless device spend/usage it may not save your life, but it will save your enterprise a ton of money, and the corporate bean counters will be glad you did.
Automated Key Alert Indicators
One of the Key Indicators you have a dynamic Best-in-Class mobility device optimization program is setting alerts in place to reliably focus your expense management team on the various spend/usage categories associated with your active wireless inventory. This management by exception is a Best Practice discipline all wireless management programs require. You need an automated software application that provides a centralized data base for all wireless devices regardless of carrier. One that validates all:
• spend and usage on all carrier invoices
• carrier contract compliance
• configurable corporate policy and rules
• correct feature/options utilization
The mobility management discipline should provide visibility to all identified compliance errors, recording and tracking all vendor disputes through to resolution and credit.
Automated Comprehensive Information Management
A really effective tool will capture all invoice data (often via EDI) for expense and asset audit as well as other pre-agreed to data exchanges (I.E. HR feeds, requested hierarchical data, and designated client personnel info). This data should be useful for optimization as all info is collected in a centralized data base and report-able by:
• location
• end-user
• pooling plans
• spend/usage
• feature utilization
• cost center
• corporate division
• carrier specific and comprehensive
• to name a view
These auto generated data reports should be scheduled for usage analysis and spend optimization. Mobile activity/spend/usage reports by location, department, and individual end-user, as well as by cost center, feature utilization, and pooling need to be available 24/7 365 days a year to all client designated personnel by right, role and responsibility. In this way each cost center can be both made aware of their usage/spend but also implement initiatives tailored to reduce wireless costs in their department.
Exception Management by Alert
Rather than your optimization team looking at each invoice line by line your Wireless Expense Management (WEM) solution will provide an automated alert application identifying all rule violations and define for your team what the infractions are. Alerting your telecom management team to where the problems are while not wasting audit time on data points without any real issues. In this way your team efficiently saves enormous amounts of time and corporate money.
Enhanced Management Efficiency
This exception based Best Practice wireless expense management solution will provide performance efficiencies, invoice/contract validations, spend/usage audits and optimizations, manual processes cannot hope to achieve. These alerts should appear on web-based easily accessed dashboards while auto generated reports will give your management and telecom team mile high to granular visibility.
Having the right exception management application in place is the best practice tool your enterprise mobility expense management team needs to provide your company the best possible optimization and unnecessary cost avoidance results. Give me a call, perhaps I can help.
Gary is the Business Development Manager for Integrity Communications. With a wealth of telecom marketing experience, Gary provides useful insights for those seeking help with various telecom cost reduction strategies as they work to improve their telecom teams efficiencies concerning their business' telecom environment.

Ask about Integrity's ALL REWARD/NO RISK telecom analysis at your earliest convenience!


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