A Beautiful Speaking Voice Can Be Learned
If the finest instrument is the mind, the most beautiful instrument is the human voice. No man-made musical instrument can surpass or duplicate the magnificence of the human voice. Unfortunately most people never explore or develop their vocal ability.
A professional speaker employs a minimum of 25 - 50 tonal varieties to their voices during presentations. The average person will only use a maximum of 2-4 tonal varieties. You actually could dramatically improve the quality of your life simply by changing your voice quality. The tonality of your voice counts for 38% of everything you say.
Correct breathing is the foundation of voice projection. If you are not breathing through your diaphragm then you are only using a small percentage of your breathing machine. The building blocks of your voice are easy to develop and practice. A good voice projects a balance between the extremes of volume, pitch and rate and also has a pleasing sound quality. There should be confidence and friendliness in your speech. Experiment with your voice rising and falling, going louder and softer while speaking faster and slower. Take a passage and record yourself reading a paragraph. The average conversational speed is 160 - 180 words a minute. If you are speaking too slowly you will bore your listeners. If you speak too quickly your words will merge together and what you say will become unintelligible.
Your voice should be easily heard through proper volume and clear articulation. Imagine that the audience whether one person or a hundred is six feet away from you. Talking too quietly gives the impression of a lack of self-confidence as does the bad habit of raising the voice at the end of sentences when you are not asking a question. The addition of bad habits includes fillers such as ums, an dums, ahs also ands. An easy strategy for overcoming this addiction is simply to be aware of your speech patterns and have a friend or family say "stop" every time they hear you repeating this habit. Replace the fillers with silence and then continue speaking. After fourteen times of correcting yourself you will have eradicated this speech pattern.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bette_Elly_Klimitz
A professional speaker employs a minimum of 25 - 50 tonal varieties to their voices during presentations. The average person will only use a maximum of 2-4 tonal varieties. You actually could dramatically improve the quality of your life simply by changing your voice quality. The tonality of your voice counts for 38% of everything you say.
Correct breathing is the foundation of voice projection. If you are not breathing through your diaphragm then you are only using a small percentage of your breathing machine. The building blocks of your voice are easy to develop and practice. A good voice projects a balance between the extremes of volume, pitch and rate and also has a pleasing sound quality. There should be confidence and friendliness in your speech. Experiment with your voice rising and falling, going louder and softer while speaking faster and slower. Take a passage and record yourself reading a paragraph. The average conversational speed is 160 - 180 words a minute. If you are speaking too slowly you will bore your listeners. If you speak too quickly your words will merge together and what you say will become unintelligible.
Your voice should be easily heard through proper volume and clear articulation. Imagine that the audience whether one person or a hundred is six feet away from you. Talking too quietly gives the impression of a lack of self-confidence as does the bad habit of raising the voice at the end of sentences when you are not asking a question. The addition of bad habits includes fillers such as ums, an dums, ahs also ands. An easy strategy for overcoming this addiction is simply to be aware of your speech patterns and have a friend or family say "stop" every time they hear you repeating this habit. Replace the fillers with silence and then continue speaking. After fourteen times of correcting yourself you will have eradicated this speech pattern.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bette_Elly_Klimitz
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