Friday, February 24, 2012

Be Interesting! 10 Fascinating Conversation Topics

A good conversationalist has a robust portfolio of fascinating topics they can draw on to lead a mediocre chat into a memorable and fascinating discussion.


Transhumanism is the technological, societal, ideological move to mental and physical human immortality. It's coming a whole lot sooner than you think. Checkout the documentary film series Technocalyps or Google technological singularity

Obscure WWII Facts

The second world war is full of fascinating episodes that make for interesting conversation.

Fanta (the fun, fruity soda) was actually invented specifically for the Nazis, look it up.
The United States actually employed the notorious American-Italian gangster Lucky Luciano twice during the war. First to guard the docks of new york city from a Nazi submarine attack and then after he was deported to Sicily he paved the way for American forces to land.
During the Pacific Campaign the US used Navajo American Indians as code talkers to prevent messages about tactical movements being intercepted. Their code was never broken during the war.

Technology News

Most people use technology all day, every day so it's always relevant and interesting. If you want to watch an interesting documentary of evolution of the internet check out The Virtual Revolution. Keep an eye on TechCrunch and Mashable.


Life is stranger than fiction. History is filled with all sorts of fascinating antidotes that make for interesting conversation. For example:

Nokali Tesla predicated the internet in the early 1900's
Checkout the story of Edward Shackleton, who's epic failure to cross Antarctica won him a place in the cosmos (literally!). Checkout the film The Endurance - Shackleton's Legendary Antarctic Expedition
Did you know that the knights Templar invented modern banking?
Did you know that Caligula, the most corrupt Roman Caesar had a boat with heated marble floors? Yes, heated marble floors
There is an apparently man made pyramid in Bosnia with is larger than the Great Pyramid of Egypt

As opposed watching the garbage that passes for prime time television check out these shows

Rome - An amazing portrayal of Rome during the time of its greatest Caesar

The Tudors - Of medieval Europe

Interesting Geographic Facts

Did you know the largest living organism on earth is the great barrier reef?
Google 'Door to Hell' in Uzbekistan
For a real mind bender look up what a 'gravity hill' is

Conspiracy Theories

People will think you are a little crazy if you introducing yourself and declare that 911 was an inside job (even though there is a lot of evidence for this...). But conspiracy theory and conspiracy fact can make for great conversation. Here's some examples

How the Rothchilds used the battle of Waterloo to crash the British stock market
Did you know that some of the founding members of the CIA where Nazis? Watch the documentary The CIA & the Nazis
There is an elaborate conspiracy theory about how Adolf Hitler escaped to Argentina at the end of WWII, underwent plastic surgery and you can still visit the old hotel his ghost haunts!
The Earth is Hollow - Yep this is actually a very developed theory.

Economics History

If you've ever got a couple of hours to kill check the fascinating series The Ascent of Money

Marketing Psychology

We are bombarded with marketing and advertising all day long and it seems to come up frequently in conversation. Many people have no idea of the depth and evolution of the science behind marketing. Check out The Century of Self.

Science Fiction

Checkout Top 10 Sci Fi Inventions that Should not be Invented.

Quantum Physics

Checkout the Slit Experiment, fascinating stuff.

Checkout 14 Methods and Mindset Tricks to Make you a More Interesting Conversationalist. It will cover how to 'steal' the conversation while appearing magnanimous, a sweet body language trick, applying economics concepts to increase the attention people show you and my favorite 'pick up line' to starting a conversation.

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