Thursday, December 15, 2011

Should You Send an Anonymous Message to Share a Secret? What You Know Could Hurt You

If you've got a wealth of knowledge in your head, especially important knowledge that borders on classified or "secret", there's a good chance that you can get hurt - especially if the information you're holding on to is trying to burst out of you. Fortunately, you don't have to feel the need to protect that information or yourself any longer - anonymous messaging provides an outlet to avoid that "harm".

Why would anonymous messaging be so important, and how could information hurt you?

When we have access to information that is important, we tend to carry that around like a heavy weight. The weight increases when that information pertains to something that someone is doing, has done or will do that can be considered ethically or morally wrong... or simply illegal.

As the weight build, the stress mounts, and you start to suffer the mental and physical side effects of stress. So why do people put up with that - isn't it just easy to say what needs to be said?

When we witness events or become privy to important information like that, rarely do people want to share it when there's even a remote possibility that they could catch some flack - it's known as "killing the messenger". As a result, people bottle up and hold that information back. They tell no one, leaving themselves open to a tidal wave of stress.

On top of worrying for your own well-being, you're likely trying to decide who would get hurt more - in some cases there's no question because the fear of reprisal and being attached by name to important information heavily overshadows any moral obligation to do what's right - or even how it may hurt others by holding back.

Thankfully, people are discovering the freedom of speech and the extreme relief that comes with anonymous messaging. There are a lot of burning questions that people have because of information they carry, and sharing anonymously has given people a chance to embrace their ability to bring about positive change.

Essentially; to do what's right.

Should I tell my friend that his/her spouse is cheating
Should I tell the boss (insert employee actions)
Should I report this crime
Should I share this secret
Should I report the corruption at my office
How do I report voter fraud
Should I tell me friend (insert important information)
How do I report corruption in law enforcement

The list could on because people face these kinds of situations on a daily basis, but few people actually want to step forward and stamp their name on a piece of a paper when they make reports, give information, file a claim, etc.

How Do I Send an Anonymous Message?

You could do it the old fashioned way and slip a note under the door, but this is the digital age where information can be passed instantly - besides someone may still spot you. An anonymous messaging service allows you to direct your message and information to any person with an email address or a physical address - yes you can send anonymous letters as well!

With anonymous messaging, people will finally have the ability to share a secret and remove the crushing moral weight and stress; because what you know can hurt you. That stress can have long term effects that leave us suffering from fatigue, memory loss, aches, insomnia, poor circulation, weight gain and more.

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